Web Directions Respond ’15 Summary

I had the pleasure of speaking at Web Directions Respond yesterday. It was a great opportunity to listen to designers and developers from both Australia and internationally.

I took notes throughout the day, some of which you will have seen if you follow me on Twitter. The full set are in bullet point form below.

A disclaimer upfront, this is the first conference I’ve spoken at where tickets cost more than $50. Attendees invested a substantial chunk of their PD budget to be there. The quality of my notes waver as a I get various waves of nerves & adrenaline crashes. Chris Wright has published his notes too.

Noter Live

Over the next couple of weeks I’m looking forward to using Noter Live to live tweet a couple of conferences.

I’ll be running it locally while at Respond and CSSConfAU to minimise network connections over conference wifi or 4G.

I’m using Noter Live as it will make it a cinch to convert the tweet stream to a blog post after the talk.

Media queries and calc

calc isn’t a new feature, but at the time of writing MDN describes it as experimental:

this technology’s specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for the proper prefixes to use in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers


According to caniuse.com, it’s a little safer than MDN suggests.

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