Sass Media Query Mixins

There are a few Sass media query mixins going around for dealing with old versions of IE. Often they include predefined break points, whereas I like the simplicity of passing a numeric value.

Capable browsers wrap the content in a media query, incapable browsers get the unwrapped content.

$is_ie8_file: false !default;
@mixin mq-minwidth( $minWidth ) {
  // in modern browsers, wraps content in the media query:
  // @media ( min-width : $minWidth )
  // in oldie, just displays the content
  @if ( true == $is_ie8_file ) {
  } @else {
    @media ( min-width: $minWidth ) {

I know max-width media queries are bad, but I’m pragmatic enough to know that a mixin to deal with them is handy to have. By default, I leave the content out of oldie, as the point of the mixins is to give oldie the desktop layout.

@mixin mq-maxwidth( $maxWidth, $include_in_ie8: false ) {
  // in modern browsers, wraps content in the media query:
  // @media ( max-width : $maxWidth )
  // in oldie, the content is not included unless
  // the second variable is passed as true.
  // using max-width media queries is less than ideal
  // as browsers may download resources they do not need.
  // The browsers using the max-width media queries are 
  // often phones on bandwidth limited networks.

  @if ( true == $is_ie8_file ) {
    @if ( true == $include_in_ie8 ) {
  } @else {
    @media ( max-width: $maxWidth ) {

Making use of the mixins requires two files, the standard file for modern browsers and a second file for older browsers. The standard files has no special requirements, the oldie file must start by setting the variable $is_ie8_file: true.

Following the setup, it’s a simple case of using conditional comments to point browsers to the appropriate compiled file:

<!--[if (lte IE 8)&!(IEMobile) ]>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style-ie8.css" />
<!--[if (gt IE 8)|(IEMobile)]><!-->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />


September 17, 2014: Changed conditional comments to account for mobiles.

By Peter Wilson

Peter has worked on the web for twenty years on everything from table based layouts in the 90s to enterprise grade CMS development. Peter’s a big fan of musical theatre and often encourages his industry colleagues to join him for a show or two in New York or in the West End.

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