There are a few Sass media query mixins going around for dealing with old versions of IE. Often they include predefined break points, whereas I like the simplicity of passing a numeric value.
Capable browsers wrap the content in a media query, incapable browsers get the unwrapped content.
$is_ie8_file: false !default;
@mixin mq-minwidth( $minWidth ) {
// in modern browsers, wraps content in the media query:
// @media ( min-width : $minWidth )
// in oldie, just displays the content
@if ( true == $is_ie8_file ) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: $minWidth ) {
I know max-width media queries are bad, but I’m pragmatic enough to know that a mixin to deal with them is handy to have. By default, I leave the content out of oldie, as the point of the mixins is to give oldie the desktop layout.
@mixin mq-maxwidth( $maxWidth, $include_in_ie8: false ) {
// in modern browsers, wraps content in the media query:
// @media ( max-width : $maxWidth )
// in oldie, the content is not included unless
// the second variable is passed as true.
// using max-width media queries is less than ideal
// as browsers may download resources they do not need.
// The browsers using the max-width media queries are
// often phones on bandwidth limited networks.
@if ( true == $is_ie8_file ) {
@if ( true == $include_in_ie8 ) {
} @else {
@media ( max-width: $maxWidth ) {
Making use of the mixins requires two files, the standard file for modern browsers and a second file for older browsers. The standard files has no special requirements, the oldie file must start by setting the variable $is_ie8_file: true
Following the setup, it’s a simple case of using conditional comments to point browsers to the appropriate compiled file:
<!--[if (lte IE 8)&!(IEMobile) ]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style-ie8.css" />
<!--[if (gt IE 8)|(IEMobile)]><!-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
September 17, 2014: Changed conditional comments to account for mobiles.