Preparing for WordPress 4.4 comment form changes

As detailed on the Make WordPress blog, the order of comment fields will change in WordPress 4.4, scheduled for a December 2015 release.

This may affect your theme if the comment form doesn’t use the typical layout of one field above the other.

Preparing your theme for the release of WordPress 4.4 will require your CSS allow for two version of the comment form: comment field last (current) and comment form first (future).

Media queries and calc

calc isn’t a new feature, but at the time of writing MDN describes it as experimental:

this technology’s specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for the proper prefixes to use in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers


According to, it’s a little safer than MDN suggests.

Categorized as Code Tagged

Vendor prefixes, polyfills and former clients

Jeremy Keith’s recent post Polyfills and products asked an interesting question about handing polyfilled code to clients:

[Short term client projects] makes it very tricky to include a polyfill in our deliverables. We’d need to figure out a way of also including a timeline for revisiting that polyfill and evaluating when it’s time to drop it.

Open site redesign using a pattern library

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m in the process of redesigning this web site. It’s very much a work in progress.

Pattern Library

As a first step I’m building a pattern library and I’ve decided to open source the repo during the build process. I’m using Pattern Lab for the purpose.

Why Use a Naming Convention

In my last post, I mentioned I was trialling the SUIT CSS naming convention as I redevelop this site.  More generically, let’s address why a naming convention should be used at all.

For the purposes of this post, I’m talking specifically about class naming conventions. (While one may have naming conventions for JavaScript functions, variables, and HTML IDs too, they’re not the focus of this post.)

Trying the SUIT CSS Naming Convention

I’m in the process of redeveloping this site. The site will still use WordPress but I’ll be adding a custom skin.

I’ve been wanting to try Pattern Lab for a while, so the first step is to create a pattern library. It’s early days, today’s task it to set up a reset and base styles.

Additionally, I’ll be sampling a CSS naming convention I’ve been meaning to try for a little while. A personal project is the perfect opportunity.