2015 in review

2015 was a good year, a lot of things going on professionally and personally.

In crib note form, here are some of the highlights:

  • Lots of public speaking, I was happiest with Web Directions Respond (my biggest ever gig) and WordCamp Brisbane
  • Made friends with and met more people in the Australian web community
  • Started contributing more to WordPress core, I was most active on embeds in the 4.4 round but dabbled in a few other features, too
  • Was kindly given a photo credit for WordPress 4.4, a lovely compliment from the core development team – thank you.
  • Did some of the best responsive web development work in my career while working at Exari,
  • Realised I’m a client services dev at heart so…
  • Successfully applied for a job at a large WordPress agency which I am due to start at later this month
  • Continued on the committee for the WordPress Melbourne Meetup, there are a few of us and it was a successful year
  • Of the WordPress Meetup nights I put together I’m most proud of Imposter Night
  • My second most popular blog post written this year was To Hell With Bad Mail Software, on standards support in email clients
  • My most popular post written this year was Intuition is ? on the WordPress emoji feature. The post was written in a cafe on my phone (as was this post)
  • Most visited posts were Conditional IE Classes (a new lead following the redesign), Including WordPress’s comment-reply.js (an old favourite) and last year’s post on trialing the SUIT CSS naming convention
  • Turned 40, more a significant event than an actual highlight

So all up, a really good year. If 2016 comes halfway to matching it then I’m in for a good ride over the next twelve months.


One response to “2015 in review”

  1. Stephen Cronin Avatar

    @pwcc Rockin it! Reckon your 2016 will be even better!

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