I had the pleasure of speaking at WordCamp Brisbane recently. The video and my slides are below, following the slides are links to the resources mentioned in my talk.
I mentioned various code samples in my talk, they are:
- A CSS only Facebook Like button,
- Asynchronous JavaScript, the WordPress way,
- Inline CSS on the first load for WordPress, and,
- Load jQuery in the HTML footer using WordPress.
The other resources I linked to were:
- WebPageTest,
- WebPageTest video of my site loading in 400ms (humble brag),
- Google PageSpeed Insights,
- Comparison of SSL vs No-SSL on this site (WPT), and,
- loadCSS by the Filament Group.
QUT, Brisbane
@pwcc I’d love to dare you to try and achieve that with a complex WordPress theme and lots of plugins. I can’t even get close. :(
@Djelibeybi You’re trying to goad me into volunteering for the Joy 94.9 site. It’s both transparent and slightly tempting :D