Media queries and calc

calc isn’t a new feature, but at the time of writing MDN describes it as experimental:

this technology’s specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for the proper prefixes to use in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers


According to, it’s a little safer than MDN suggests.

Categorized as Code Tagged

Git submodule update errors

I run this site using a WordPress Skeleton setup. WordPress runs in a sub-directory as a submodule.

When a WordPress update is released, as it was this-morning, I update my local repo and push it to the site. My understanding is, when I log onto the server I should be able to run the following to update:

git pull
git submodule update

Every time, I get the error fatal: reference is not a tree: followed by the commit’s hash and have to mess around on the server to get the update working.

Answers on Stack Overflow aren’t helping, so any tips? Treat me like an idiot.

Categorized as Quick Notes

Tech Freedom vs Feminism

The organisations who are doing internet freedom work are also the ones who are idolising and absolving the various hateful actions of men. It all adds up to build a pattern of anti-women rhetoric and it’s certainly one that makes me feel absolutely unwelcome.

Jem Yoshioka – On the Left

Categorized as Notes