BrowserStack hack

A BrowserStack email apparently sent to all users makes it abundantly clear they have been hacked or have a very disgruntled member of staff. Possibly both.

The Internet as a whole is asking if this is true, BrowserStack is currently showing a maintenance page.

The question people should be asking is “should I cancel my credit card?”.

Categorized as General

Domain jealousy

I feel slightly jealous of people who own their dot com. Mine’s (!) in legitimate use so I’d feel rude sending an email offering to buy it.

I snapped up when it lapsed earlier this year. Some email and web traffic suggests the previous owner has noticed yet.

Dot ccs are cool.

Conference Codes of Conduct

Before I begin, I have to say I think codes of conduct are a good thing, an essential element of a well run conference. In fact, I’d go as far to say not having a code of conduct is to neglect your duties as a conference organiser.

I know a few people who have organised conferences, some better than others, and none of them want a code of conduct. This is why codes of conduct often include some variation of “we don’t want to write this, we have to”.

Vendor prefixes, polyfills and former clients

Jeremy Keith’s recent post Polyfills and products asked an interesting question about handing polyfilled code to clients:

[Short term client projects] makes it very tricky to include a polyfill in our deliverables. We’d need to figure out a way of also including a timeline for revisiting that polyfill and evaluating when it’s time to drop it.