Imported posts from Big Red Tin

I’ve imported my posts from 2011 and earlier from their old home at Big Red Tin.

Some of them need a little tidying up to point internal links to the correct location, others need to be tagged as obsolete (fallbacks for CSS rounded corners anyone).

It’s been interesting going back and reading some of my old pieces. Although my methods have changed, there’s a good number that I still hold to be true; the importance of !important is one such post.

Open site redesign using a pattern library

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m in the process of redesigning this web site. It’s very much a work in progress.

Pattern Library

As a first step I’m building a pattern library and I’ve decided to open source the repo during the build process. I’m using Pattern Lab for the purpose.

The HTML5 Document Outline

The MDN page titled Sections and Outlines of an HTML5 Document includes the following warning:

There are currently no known implementations of the outline algorithm in graphical browsers or assistive technology user agents […] authors are advised to use heading rank (h1h6).

Given the speed at which CSS3 is implemented, this is disappointing. Visitors to this site use modern, capable browsers; it’s a shame not to be able to use the most logical document outline.

Categorized as Code

Why Use a Naming Convention

In my last post, I mentioned I was trialling the SUIT CSS naming convention as I redevelop this site.  More generically, let’s address why a naming convention should be used at all.

For the purposes of this post, I’m talking specifically about class naming conventions. (While one may have naming conventions for JavaScript functions, variables, and HTML IDs too, they’re not the focus of this post.)

Trying the SUIT CSS Naming Convention

I’m in the process of redeveloping this site. The site will still use WordPress but I’ll be adding a custom skin.

I’ve been wanting to try Pattern Lab for a while, so the first step is to create a pattern library. It’s early days, today’s task it to set up a reset and base styles.

Additionally, I’ll be sampling a CSS naming convention I’ve been meaning to try for a little while. A personal project is the perfect opportunity.